Cologne: 04.–08.10.2025 #anuga

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Arctic+ Isotonic Multifruit

Arctic+ Isotonic Multifruit - Refreshment and renewal in one!

Arctic+ Isotonic Multifruit is an isotonic drink that provides you with full refreshment and essential nutrients during physical activities. It's perfect support for those who value an active lifestyle and care for their body. What sets Arctic+ Isotonic Multifruit apart? Our unique formula combines the function of an isotonic drink with the richness of fruit flavors. Multifruit is a blend of juicy fruits that your taste buds will love. Arctic+ Isotonic was created to maintain electrolyte balance and hydrate your body during intense efforts. Its rich content of vitamins and minerals helps minimize fatigue and maintain performance during any activity. Let Arctic+ Isotonic Multifruit be your companion during workouts, bike rides, running, or any other outdoor activities. Feel the refreshment and revitalization that Arctic+ Isotonic Multifruit provides - your support on the journey to achieving fitness and health goals!

To the press compartment of Ustronianka Sp. z o.o.

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