Cologne: 04.–08.10.2025 #anuga

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Anuga Organic on Stage

Organic on Stage: The New Stage Format for Sustainable Food Innovations

A new stage format at Anuga - Organic on Stage! For the first time, this event area was located in Passage 4/5, right in the vicinity of the Start-up Area.

Organic on Stage offered a variety of captivating activities that could inspire you. Exciting panel discussions, informative lectures, inspiring best practice examples, award ceremonies, and exhilarating start-up pitches.

With a focus on food start-ups and innovations, Organic on Stage aimed to showcase the latest trends and developments in the organic sector. A journey through the global landscape of ecological agriculture as fascinating facts, figures, and emerging trends that shape the industry were explored.

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Participating exhibitors

Einsfünf Logo
El Origen Logo
GreenDo Logo
Impact Coffee Logo
Logo abgefüllt
logo ecolive
logo wastewatchers
markant logo
Pilzing Logo
tausendkraut logo
TGTG logo
utryme logo
Voila Logo
VRinsight logo
Vytal Logo
GS1 Germany Logo

Program Highlights Organic On Stage

07.10.2023, 2:30 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
The BioHandel Academy invites to the market talk with Cem Özdemir
Language: German


Cem Özdemir, Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture, Federal Minister

Johannes Dorn, rheingold GmbH & Co. KG, Member of the Management Board, Shareholder

Dr. Alexander Gerber, Demeter e.V., Chairman of the Board

Leon Ginzel, Freelance journalist and author

Jan Plagge, Bioland e.V., President

Theresia Quint, Quint Warenhandel GmbH | EDEKA Quint, Management and owner

Steffen Reese, Naturland - Verband für ökologischen Landbau e.V., Managing Director Naturland e.V.


08.10.2023, 2:00 p.m. - 2:45 p.m.
A journey from Start-up to Grown-up with plant-based-protein produced in Denmark
Language: English


Frank Bach Rasmussen, Rawbite, CEO, (Rawbite ApS)

Henrik Christensen, Perfect Season, Co-Founder, (Organic from Denmark)

Morten Fenger, Organic Plant Protein, Chef


09.10.2023, 3:15 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
GS1 Germany GmbH: 2D code – sustainable and digital
Lanugage: German


Mercedes Schulze, GS1 Germany GmbH, Senior Manager Identification + Data Carrier

Vincent Kästle, Jake's Beverages GmbH, CEO, (Jake's Beverages GmbH)

Max Bannasch, (Circolution GmbH)


10.10.2023, 4:15 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Hello, it's green, is it me you're looking for? How the food industry can advance climate neutrality
Language: Englisch


André Wilk (einsfünf)

Julius Palm (Followfood GmbH)

Josephine Binder (Wholey)


11.10.2023, 12:15 p.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Circular Economy in the Food Sector – Innovative Waste Prevention & Recycling Approaches
Language: English


Thomas Luttikhold (Wastewatchers)

Alexandre Dangis (GreenDot Group)


11.10.2023, 3:00 p.m.- 3:30 p.m.
Next Gen: Empowering Farmer’s through ethical sourcing
Language: Englisch


Felix Löhr (togocashews GmbH / caju)

Charles Mugarura (

Julian Stock (Good Food Collective)

Lenia Römer / Robin Schallenberg (Save the Grain)

Christoph Schaaf (Climate Nuts GmbH)


11.10.2023, 4:15 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Obligation to offer reusable packaging: How to successfully drive business results, consumer loyalty and waste reduction at Haferkater with Vytal's circular packaging system
Language: English


Dr. Tim Breker, VYTAL Global GmbH, Co-Founder & Managing Director

Leandro Burguete, Haferkater GmbH, CEO

Organic Food Trends

A central focus of the event lay on organic food trends. Attendees discovered the exciting possibilities of vegan cuisine and how it redefined the culinary landscape. Participants learned about sustainable packaging solutions that contribute to a greener future and explored the intersection between organic farming and digital delivery services. How could these two areas be harmoniously integrated?

Another important topic on the agenda was organic certification. Attendees gained insights into the strict standards and procedures that ensured the integrity and quality of organic products. They dove into the world of dairy alternatives and explored the delicious possibilities that catered to different dietary preferences and needs.

Bio-Private Labels and Extensive Organic Assortments

The topic of organic private labels and extensive organic assortments was also in focus, showcasing the immense potential of organic products in both niche and mainstream markets. Attendees learned how the organic movement addressed the challenges of food intolerances and provided safe and healthy options for everyone.

Were you thirsty for knowledge? The audience explored the diverse world of organic beverages, from refreshing thirst quenchers to innovative creations that delighted the taste buds. Finally, attendees gained insight into Germany's position in international comparison and discovered how it embraced its responsibility for sustainable agriculture and environmental protection.

Organic on Stage promised a unique experience that brought together industry experts, innovative start-ups, and curious minds.