Cologne: 04.–08.10.2025 #anuga

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Muss Preissensibilität einen ethischen und nachhaltigen Konsum ausschließen? | Event on the Anuga 2023

Does price sensitivity has to exclude ethical and sustainable consumption?

from Anuga Event
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Food Trends, Sustainability
Anuga Event  
Messeplatz 1
50679 Köln
Organic on Stage, Passage 4/5 A050

The event

 While the focus of consumers during the Corona pandemic was still on higher-quality products, behaviour has turned around again in times of inflation.How can the developments on the global commodity markets be placed in this context? Supply chain (LKSG) - inflation - supply shortages. Producers and retailers alike move within this corridor. Consumers have shown in times of the Corona pandemic that they are quite willing to spend more money on food and also pay attention to how it is produced. However, political unrest, dislocations in the supply chain and negative influences on global economic growth are causing prices to climb overall, leading to currency devaluation and ultimately to customers reaching for cheaper products on the shelf. But, what is the more cost-effective product in the long run? Is the data-supported purchasing process the future, or are the global commodity markets with their traders increasingly decoupling from the real procurement world, and if so, how can transparency and predictability be maintained here? This lecture attempts to provide ideas on this. 
