Cologne: 04.–08.10.2025 #anuga

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Green Label – Past-Tilsiter | Exhibitor on the Anuga 2023

Green Label – Past-Tilsiter

The Tilsiter with the green label is tended and matured in the cheese cellar for a short time only. This results in a mild cheese with a fresh flavour that goes down particularly well with children and teens. This is presumably not the only reason why the green Past-Tilsiter is the best-selling Tilsiter cheese in Switzerland. Its easy-to-cut consistency makes it not just ideal for a morning snack; it is also perfect for a cheese salad. In a nutshell: it’s a cheese you can never get enough of.

Strähl-Käse AG developed this cheese more than 60 years ago and still makes it every day with much love and care. Other “Green Cheese Dairies” can be found in east and central Switzerland. All are uncompromising in their commitment to strict quality controls – from the milk delivery until the cheese is ready for consumption – and strive towards a common goal: to produce an exquisite, mild Tilsiter that always is always an utterly pleasurable experience. The cheese dairies that produce these Tilsiter cheeses use a microbial rennet, which is why this cheese is permitted to bear the designation ‘vegetarian’.
Weinfelderstrasse 6
8560 Märstetten
Hall 10.1 | C022