Cologne: 04.–08.10.2025 #anuga

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Masterpan instant dry yeast 125g Improved | Exhibitor on the Anuga 2023

Masterpan instant dry yeast 125g Improved

Masterpan Instant Dry Yeast 125g Improved 

MASTERPAN Instant Dry Yeast, a carefully formulated product designed to offer both professional bakers and home-based enthusiasts an unmatched baking experience.

Our yeast guarantees a faster, stronger fermentation process, culminating in consistent, delicious final products. MASTERPAN not only enhances your bread's taste and colour but also boosts the dough volume for a light and fluffy outcome. Our product’s high quality performance improves the hydration rate as well.


Product Features:

Robust Fermentation: Results in a stronger and faster fermentation process.

Superior Quality: Enhances the taste and colour of your bread, giving you a high quality outcome every time.

Optimal Storage: Ensures longer shelf life when stored in a dry, cool place away from excessive light, heat and moisture, below 20°C and 75% relative humidity.

Extended Shelf Life: two years from the manufacturing date when stored under optimal conditions unless special regulations apply.
Calle Císter 1 2A
29015 Málaga
Hall 2.2 | E053