Cologne: 04.–08.10.2025 #anuga

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The CSB-System: a perfect fit for your company | Exhibitor on the Anuga 2023

The CSB-System: a perfect fit for your company

The industry ERP for food and beverages is available for every company size. Small businesses and trades successfully use CSB BASIC ERP. Medium-size and large enterprises use CSB INDUSTRY ERP as an all-inclusive solution, and corporate groups manage their factories with CSB FACTORY ERP. The CSB-System is the basis for the Smart Factory of the future as it is optimally prepared for advanced networking, automation, and autonomy of production facilities.

CSB BASIC ERP is the industry-specific ERP system especially for small and medium-size companies that are looking for a solution that is suited to their needs, with a view to digitizing their business. With CSB BASIC ERP, you supply retailers with the same level of efficiency as large corporations.

CSB FACTORY ERP is the industry-specific ERP system for managing the factories in a group. CSB FACTORY ERP usually is a supplement to a Group ERP, ensuring optimal operational control of the production facilities. It fully maps the primary value creation in production and logistics. Standard interfaces between group ERP and FACTORY ERP guarantee a stable, flexible, and integrated system landscape.

CSB INDUSTRY ERP for medium-size and large companies covers all requirements and essential core processes in its standard version – from primary production to the consumer, and from the machine to controlling. You benefit from completely integrated business processes without any stand-alone solutions, which helps you improve the success of your business. Besides the material and information flow, all business processes and industry-specific requirements are represented. CSB INDUSTRY ERP can be used internationally, across locations and countries. This does not only ensure a smooth expansion, but also secures your investments.
An Fürthenrode 9 -15
52511 Geilenkirchen
Hall 7.1 | C061 B060