Cologne: 04.–08.10.2025 #anuga

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Range of Gourmet Peanut Butters, Granolas and Roasted Nut Mixes | Exhibitor on the Anuga 2023

Range of Gourmet Peanut Butters, Granolas and Roasted Nut Mixes

The Buttery is an artisanal producer of gourmet nut butters, organic granolas and roasted nut mixes. We are a New Zealand-owned and inspired business, with all products handcrafted in our roastery in Valldoreix, a village nestled in the hills behind Barcelona.

We strive to create the most delicious and nutritious nut butters and granolas on the market, with a perfect texture and taste balance. We craft our nut butters and granolas in small batches and source only the highest quality local and organic ingredients. We are currently processing EU organic certification.

As well as being an excellent source of protein, our hi-oleic peanuts have a superior taste and texture to conventional peanuts and have unique health-giving properties similar to avocados and olive oil. Our granolas and nut butters contain ingredients rich in fibre and protein, omega-3 & 6 and multiple vitamins and minerals. Studies have shown they can lower blood pressure, improve cholesterol and the health of the heart, skin, and joints, while reducing inflammation and the risk of developing cancer and diabetes.

We are committed to sourcing sustainably grown, local or organic ingredients and we invest in 100% compostable and recyclable packaging. As the future of our planet is important to us, we donate 10% of profits to initiatives combating global warming.

For more info, visit us at and Go Really Nuts!
Paseo Font / Sant Cugat del Valles 37
08193 U. Autónoma de Barcelona
Passage Hall 4 Hall 5 | A015a